Thursday, April 8, 2010

Social Networking Statistics: Video - It will blow your mind!

Is Social Media a fad? Or is it the biggest shift since the Industrial Revolution? The statistics in this clip will blow your mind!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Food Allergy Walk - August 28th, 2010 - Charleston, SC

The Charleson Food Allergy Awareness Walk is put on by the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) and will take place August 28th, 2010 at Wannamaker Park in North Charleston, SC. It will begin at 9:00AM and continue through 11:00AM.

Goal: The main purpose for this walk is to raise awareness for health concerns relative to food allergies as well as funding research.

Here is some other information relative to the FAAN:

-This is a link that is to the national website

-This link will take you to the Charleston Walk site.

-This is a pdf file which will give you details concerning the non-profit organization.

-Here is also a video that will show some of the highlights of last years walks.

Facebook Event:!/event.php?eid=109530469078027&ref=mf
Facebook Group:!/group.php?gid=332760174273&ref=ts
Facebook Fan:!/pages/Charleston-SC/Charleston-Food-Allergy/351279644545?ref=ts

Monday, April 5, 2010

Awesome Easter! : 3/4/10

Happy late Easter to those of you that I didn't already wish Happy Easter to!

Yesterday was an extremely special day for me. I did something that I had not done in quite some time, and that I should reconsider- I followed with the rest of the world and got up and went to church at Cathedral of Praise on Sunday morning. I have been really slack about going over the last year / two years and it felt really good to be back and to see some of the old faces that I interacted with for so long! The topic of the day was- "If I Can Dream" Personally, it hit a lot of spots just for me alone in that one service.

After that I was fortunate to be able to spend a lot of quality time with various people. Amanda and I went to my grandparents house and spent some time with them, sat and talked, and it felt amazing doing so. We weren't able to do our traditional Sunday dinner with them because they both weren't feeling well (which was a bummer) but we weren't going to go through a holiday without seeing them!

We also have some friends that are ramping up the beginning of "High Praise Church of God" in Summerville. We were able to make it by and spend some time with all of them after their last service was finished. It's amazing what God is doing in all of their lives and with their dreams as well.

I was able to finish off the day doing the holiday tradition of having dinner with Amanda and her parents and visiting and spending time with my parents...and it was amazing. All in all I don't think there is anything more I could have asked for on Easter, other than the dinner that would have brought us all to the same place. But sometimes in life, you have to roll with the punches, and even doing that- it was a great Easter.

Hope everyone else had as great of a day as I did!